JCA Supporter Comments
“Kol hakavod, Art -- this is a great initiative!”
[Jewish Organizational Expert]
“Your article on "God and the Shoah" had some of the most profound reflections I have ever read in such a simple and short piece. Thank you so much for sharing it with me. Can you please send me an electronic version? I give you my word that every time I'll quote something from it, I will mention your authorship.”
[Conservative Rabbi]
“A major problem today is misguided religiosity.”
[Modern Orthodox Professor of Jewish Studies]
“I want you to know how much I enjoyed your talk at AACI (Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel). You had everyone involved in discussion after you completed the talk, long into lunch. I am a seasoned listener. My late husband was a professor of mid-nineteenth century European History and your handling of the questions afterward was great and reminded me of his delivery.”
[Retired Professional]
“After your interesting talk at AACI, please put me on your Mailing List”
[AACI Life Member]
“Your idea is interesting and provocative.”
[Yad Vashem Senior Staffer]
After reading your piece, one question comes to mind: How do you respond to other individuals (other religions) who believe they are the chosen people?
[Yad Vashem Senior Educator]
Answer: The more, the better ! The question is not who is Chosen, but what we are chosen (choosing) for !!
A prominent Christian Zionist Leader spoke recently during the Feast of Tabernacles. In her talk to the assemblage of thousands, she referred to the threat of Moral Relativism. As an "old" friend, I approached after her talk with congratulations and said we seem to be on the same wavelength. She made my day when she responded by saying: "But Aaron, I read your emails!!'
"This is good stuff; ... some of your ideas are strong and well worth promoting. Thanks for sending me the link. "
[American-Israeli thinker and author]
"Indeed! Your Covenant Alliance initiative is something new. And who would have thought there could be something new in this area--and so worthwhile!" [Professor of Literature at Hebrew University]
"Je ne suis pas suffisamment bilingue pour apprécier ton texte .... A priori il est bien, mais je ne sais pas dans les détails.
Ce serait bien de le faire traduire." [Christian Pastor]
"Very interesting." [another Christian Pastor]
"First (and most important) of all, the site is interesting." [Israeli-born Computer Guru]
"Right on and Fight on," [Zionist Activist]
"Our appreciation and thanks for your presentation on Chosen People Against Anti-Semitism. I thought it was inspired and thought-provoking, and your founding of the Jewish Covenant Alliance most innovative and timely. You gave us a fascinating background on the history of other religions/races' mistaken conception of Chosenness. The challenge is ongoing now that we are faced with Master Jihad." [AACI Speakers Bureau]
On January 10, 2011, Aaron Braunstein wrote to Congresswoman Gabby Giffords’ staff to wish her a speedy recovery. He then wrote the following:
I also take this opportunity to react to one item in all the current outpouring of media coverage about Congresswoman Giffords.
One TV news channel today ran a clip from one of her interviews in which she called for reassertion of America's "superiority". Clearly, her sense was a call for "exceptionalism", not superiority -- as is the true meaning of chosenness or choosingness, whether applied to the Jewish People's eternal Mission or to America's own Calling. Please bring this thought to Gabby's attention when she has fully recovered.
In-depth analysis of this subject can be found on our Website, www.covenantalliance.org.
On January 13th, the following reply was received from her press secretary:
“It was received”
As you can see, JCA is already resonating!
With your help, we can do much much more.