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Jewish Covenant Alliance R.A. # 580536027

educational alliance in the eternal struggle against evil idolatry

Non-Sectarian Jewish Mission to the Nations

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Some six years ago I founded in Jerusalem the non-sectarian Jewish Covenant Alliance, R.A, an. association for the struggle against Regime Evil that seeks to impose an idolatrous totalitarian ideology on the world.  Our inspiration is clearly biblical.

We thus take our calling, foremost, from Father Abraham, the first missionary in human history. He initiated Jewish mission to the nations in the struggle against evil idolatry.  As you can see on the JCA Website, www.covenantalliance.org, our focus, therefore, is on the threat to all humanity today from regime evil -- Ayatollah Iran, ISIS, Hizbollah, Hamas, etc and their helpers or facilitators (e.g. North Korea and the United Nations).

We take Light to the Nations seriously by having our Homepage in 10 languages (so far) – Hebrew, of course, plus most European languages as well as Korean and Chinese. Indeed, as ever before, the Chosen/Choosing People and Israel are the heralds at the gate with our hand on the trumpeting Shofar, a hand that is steadied by help from our many friends.


Our watchword is that 2,000 years ago the concept of Jewish mission was 'borrowed' from us -- we're now taking it fully back and bringing it Home. Our emphasis is not on all the good there also is in promoting personal and civic morality, but on struggling against regime evil.


On September 16, 2016, the Jerusalem Post Magazine published a full-page feature interview with me.  It provides more information, especially about JCA.


In the 1920s and 1930s, democrats worldwide failed the test given us by Teacher (Moreinu) to recognize Regime Evil and Act. We dare not fail His test today as do those on both the Left and the Right who say, "Let's put our own house in order before we 'preach' to the world".  They're both thinking in ingrained moralistic terms.   But the wolves at the gate don't care how righteous Israel and America are!!

JCA’s mission can unite all Jews from Agnostic, to Reform, Masorti, Modern Orthodox, and Ultra-Orthodox in a common struggle because it is not directly dependent on interpretations of Halachah (Jewish Law).  As such, it can also unite Jew and non-Jew in this common cause.

Please spread the word about JCA’s Jewish mission to one and all.!!


Aaron Braunstein, USFSO (ret.), Founder


Jewish Covenant Alliance, R.A., Jerusalem